
Art Festival Prize of the Agency for Cultural AffairsShini-no-homura (1985)
18th Dance Critics Society of Japan PrizeShini-no-homura (1985)
Suzuko Kawakami Spanish Dance PrizeGypsies: Love and Law (1990)
30th Dance Critics Society of Japan PrizeHomenaje a García Lorca (1998)
Dance Art PrizeHomenaje a García Lorca (1998)
50th Minister of Education Award of Art (category : dance)Luna (Moon) (1999)
33th Dance Critics Society of Japan PrizeFantasía Atlántida (2001)
39th Dance Critics Society of Japan PrizeEl Cant dels Ocells (2005), FEDERICO, (2006) Poetas en Guerra (2007)
Cultural Prize of Tokushima Prefecture (1999, Japan)
Cruz de Oficial de la Reina Isabel (2000, Spain)
Medal with Purple Ribbon (2003, Japan)
Junta de Andalucía (2005, Spain)
Encomienda de la Orden del Mérito Civil (2009, Spain)
Person of Cultural Merit (2009, Japan)
People's Honour Award of Mugi (2009, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan)
Grand Prize «Tokushima's Image Enhancement» of Tokushima Prefecture (2013, Japan)